Every step I take I take in You
Every step I take I take in You Jesus!
I was very troubled since Friday due to some work-related events. And yet deep down a small voice kept saying, have no fear. Why are you so scared Emay? There's nothing to be scared or worried about for Jesus is with You.
This morning I thank God for opening my eyes to see that He is indeed with me. So although my problem at work is not resolved, I'm so thankful that I can go into my week, knowing that my Lord will not forsake make and will carry me through this.
I can smile and praise Him for He knows my thoughts and He's the awesome creator. If He can create something as lovely as a little bird, and think of how to make a little bird a bird, then He can definitely know how to make everything according to His plan and purposes in my life.
Laying it all down at His feet and surrendering it all to Him, sets me free. Interesting how when you surrender to anyone else, you're a captive. but to surrender to Jesus makes one free. Free of worries and a heavy burden. He doesn't cast me away because of my imperfection, but He's moulding me for His purposes and plans.
He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it. =)
Praise God for a brand new day.
Praise God for life.
Praise God for my family and for Xiang.
Praise God for placing joy in my heart despite a difficult situation at work.
Praise God for Singapore's silver medal in table tennis.
Praise God for allowing me to see 5 of my cell members be baptised and my mentee be baptised. And a childhood church friend be baptised. =) As they shared their testimonies, it was so lovely a reminder to see how God has worked in all their lives. =)
Praise God for a few church friends I've been working with to serve the Youths in our church.
Praise God for my church!!!!! =)
Praise God for my Pastor
Praise God for you! Cos you came to read a bit about my life. So I thank God for you too! =)
Have a blessed week ahead!