Tuesday, October 31, 2006

more than a month

hello hello... been a while since i've blogged. so as you can tell, i didn't have the luxury of sitting down to do up any entries. whew...

was really packed with mission trip meetings and tuition. but the mission trip's over... it went really well, praise God for that! and i spent a total of 14 hours on sat to do up a 10min powerpoint presentation for my church. it was tiring.

tom's my last day of tuition for the year... so yeah! nov and dec ought to be a little less mad and i'll have time to do craft and bake etc... =) looking forward to it.

but year end's busy at office... oh well... better just having one busy than having everything busy.

been so busy that i barely even had time to spend time with xiang. i know.. it's terrible of me. but simply haven't the energy. but nov's here, so finally can be a bit more sane and amiable... lol... poor chap had to put up with my nonsense... lol...

lately i've a few friends who are doing a long-distance or will be having long distance relationships. i can't help but look back to sep 03 when everyone told me 'ldr's very tough. i won't be surprised if it doesn't work out'. some flat out told me it wouldn't work... well, i've got a very diff tune to sing to my friends who are now in the midst of ldrs... ldrs are possible. it's not even that difficult really. just takes commitment and the willingness to communicate more to make up for the lack of face to face meet ups.

in fact adjusting to 'normal' dating life has been a challenge too... so i believe any kind of relationship long distance or not, simply requires that commitment to sort out differences, know each other more and communicate in a way that will get the msg thru to the other party.

k.. gtg... lunch time's over... =)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

peace in the midst of a busy schedule

hey all... for those of you who've met me this last week, the first thing that comes out of my lips is 'i'm so tired' or 'i've been so busy'... but as i sit here and ponder about what my week has been like, i realise that despite my busy schedule, i had a peace deep down knowing that Jesus is with me.
last friday my mission trip leader (MTL) challenged us to share 'steps to peace with God' with one person by this friday. when i heard it, i felt excited, worried and anxious all at the same time. excited because while i shared the gospel before (not that many times) i never like used a little booklet like this one, nor have i had such a real guidance in sharing it before either. my MTL has shared with so many before and her joy in having shared the gospel at God's prompting is contagious. worried and anxious because being asian perhaps there's that chance of 'losing face' if the person doesn't accept Jesus or doesn't even want to hear or doesn't even want to be your friend anymore cos they feel you are pushy. and yet as worry flit thru my mind, my MTL reminded us that we'll never be on the losing end when we share Christ with others. why? number one, the seed was sown... two if the person gives u a reason as to why he/she can't or won't receive Christ you'll know a specific prayer need for that person. and i just thought of a third, it makes my faith grow as i take that step of faith to share with someone dear to me. i thank God for this challenge and today's the day i hope to meet this challenge. i've been pondering and praying since the challenge was issued and feel that the time has come. i'm kinda jittery and have mass smsed quite a lot of people to ask for prayer, cos i know that so many things can go wrong, or i may just chicken out at the slightest excuse... so if you're reading this, please pray for me! pray that i'll have the peace and boldness to share Christ with my friend today. that i'll be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and sensitive to my friend's feelings. if u've said a little prayer for me, i thank God for that prayer, and i thank God for you!
so anyway this past week i thank God for
  1. giving me the chance to bake two batches of cookies even tho i was busy
  2. teaching me how to rest
  3. rest on sunday afternoon and monday night
  4. the opportunity to catch Forbidden City on its last night. it was good and i enjoyed it
  5. letting me be able to donate blood and do my little bit in helping another who needs it
  6. making me His child
  7. a colleague who shared some cookies SHE baked with me this morning
  8. yet another brand new day
  9. friends i know i can count on
  10. His help in getting my work completed

ok, will end off here... so please pray for me!!!! i hope my next entry will be one that can share with you some good news! =)